And they're off

It might come as a shock to learn that the 2015 General Election campaign is only today officially under way. 

Parliament was dissolved shortly after midnight and we no longer have any MPs (although Government ministers do remain in post).  

The parties and their candidates now have less than six weeks to convince you to put your trust in them at the ballot box on Thursday 7 May.  And few people still around can recall a pre-election scenario quite like this.  

Will either the Conservatives or Labour win the 326 seats required for an overall majority or, as most experts predict, fall short?

Will the Liberal Democrats defy their woeful national poll ratings and cling onto enough seats to stay in contention for another term of coalition government?

Will UKIP or the Greens win more seats or simply act as a collective thorn in the side of the 'big three' parties, helping to influence a plethora of left field results across the country?

Or will the SNP's Alec Salmond lord it across Scotland and put himself into the position of king maker, effectively dictating what the next United Kingdom government will look like for the next five years?

But there is another scenario.   

Should both the Conservatives and Labour not win a majority and, for a range of possible reasons, not form a coalition with one or more other parties, the party with the largest number of seats could seek to govern alone.  If they fail, the other would then be given the opportunity to have a go themselves.

But should that government also collapse, only one other option would remain: a second General Election.  

Do not rule this out and, as such, try to not to get too carried away with the all the 'excitement' of the first one. 

Car crash for Clarkson

So now we know; Jeremy Clarkson is gone.

In case you haven't heard, the BBC has this afternoon confirmed that the Top Gear presenter's contract will not be renewed after a physical and verbal assault on his producer.  (The eagle-eyed will have spotted that he hasn't therefore been sacked, rather not re-employed). 

In organisational terms, the BBC seemed to have little choice (other than to actually sack him).  Had an employee struck a colleague in any other large corporation, the expectation would surely be instant dismissal.  

But, in PR terms, the fact that the BBC is publicly funded and the story got "out," well, what else could Director General Tony Hall be expected to do (other than wait 17 days to act)?

Commenting shortly after the news was announced, Clarkson's Top Gear co-presenter James May was asked who he thought might replace Jezza.

He replied that whilst he quite liked working with Clarkson, "I think he's a nob."


Budget boxers

This was the traditional photo of Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne as he left 11 Downing Street yesterday to deliver the Budget.

Osborne budget box.jpg

The red box he is holding is not the original version made for William Ewart Gladstone in 1860.  It was retired in 2010 due to its fragility.  Instead, sInce 2011, a new Budget box - commissioned by the National Archives - has been used by Mr Osborne.   

But, like Gladstone's, it belongs to the nation and is very much red.

Fast forward to this morning when, after delivering a farcical Liberal Democrat "Budget" statement to the House of Commons, Danny Alexander turned up on the steps of the Treasury holding his own yellow "Budget" box.

In case you missed it, the Liberal Democrat is Chief Secretary to the Treasury and, in effect, George Osborne's deputy.    But, as a member of Her Majesty's Coalition Government, Mr Alexander is also fully signed up to every jot and tittle of yesterday's Budget.

His attempt to deliver an alternative financial statement to MPs - pushing the boundaries of Parliamentary convention to breaking point - was bizarre enough.  

But the sight of him holding up his toy box - which members of the media later took turns at holding with a smile - tell us only one thing.

Yes, with a mere seven weeks to go until polling day, the election campaign is about to get fully under way.

And we suspect you ain't seen nothing yet.         

Easy, Lionel

10 out of 10 for the PR team at the First Direct Arena in Leeds who have clearly been having fun promoting tonight's Lionel Richie concert on social media.

Earlier today they posted this pic on their official Twitter feed.


However, our favourite tweet is this one which appeared yesterday.

You've got to love that.

We could now make a cheap gag about the prospect of tonight's lucky ticket holders "dancing on the ceiling."  But have you seen how high it is? 

Enjoy the gig if you're going.

Falling Madonna

Madonna's undignified downstairs tumble at the BRIT Awards has made global headlines.

But did she mean to fall?

It may seem like an odd question to ask, but it has been posed by some including Chris Evans on his Radio 2 Breakfast Show.

And there is a logic to the argument.  

Remarkable as it may seem, Madonna is now 56 years old and - understandably - her profile and record sales aren't what they once were.  

So might the bruises associated with a bit of prime time stage-diving be a price worth paying to remind you that she's still around.

Apparently not, according to Madge.

In an interview to be broadcast on The Jonathan Ross Show tomorrow evening, the one-time Material Girl described her fall as a "nightmare" which left her with whiplash (and she wasn't even sitting in a parked car).

"I had a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3am to make sure I was compos mentis," she explained.

She instead blamed what happened on a "wardrobe malfunction" owing to her cape being tied too tightly.  (It happened to Dracula many times).

"Everyone was worried my cape would slide off, so they tied it really tight around my neck," she said.

"I got to the top of the stairs and I pulled the silky string, and it wouldn't come undone.

"I had two choices: I could either be strangled or fall, and I chose to fall."

So she did.        

Expect tickets for her forthcoming world tour to be in even greater demand as a result. 

Twitter twaddle

Twitter can be an invaluable source of information and comment, as well as a very useful promotional tool for any business or organisation wishing to get its message out.  

But it can also be a cesspit of abuse, misinformation and bullying.

This was underlined over the past couple of days when the former Republic of Ireland footballer, Kevin Kilbane, was targeted by trolls upset that he dared speak up against obscene chanting from a small band of West Ham fans.        

Although he didn't attend Sunday's game at Tottenham Hotspur, he heard about the chanting - mocking people with Down's Syndrome - from a friend who was there.  

Kilbane's 10-year-old daughter Elsie has the condition.  And being in the privileged position to do something positive about these things, he rang the Football Association to make his views known.

Top man, top dad - good for him.

The result?  Vile abuse and hideous slurs from a sad procession of dark souls on Twitter. 

But Kilbane was not for having it and yesterday spoke to BBC Radio 5 Live.  You can hear what he said by clicking HERE.  It's worth a listen.

We heard it at VANBAR Towers and offered our support on Twitter.

And a few minutes later, our Tweet was read out live on air.

Suddenly Twitter felt like a mildly better place.  But still a medium where you must tread carefully.  

Preparation, preparation, preparation

It should not be beyond the realms of human understanding to appreciate that proper preparation is a key element for success in any media interview.

It is all the more so if the interview is due to go out live and seasoned LBC interrogator Nick Ferrari is facing you across the desk.

Natalie Bennett

Natalie Bennett

However, someone forgot to mention these basic rules to Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett who had been invited on to talk about her party's General Election manifesto.   

Cue a series of initially harmless questions from Mr Ferrari about affordable housing, a central plank of the Greens' plans to build 500,000 new social homes.    

I'm afraid my words cannot do justice to what happened next.  

I therefore invite you to click onto this LINK - before climbing under your desk.   

Liar, liar, helicopter not on fire

A lesson for kids and adults alike after NBC news anchor Brian Williams was caught telling a porkie pie.

The previously highly-respected presenter had, for some time, dined out on a tale about being shot down in a helicopter whilst covering the 2003 Iraq War. 

However, his story came to grief in the way his helicopter apparently didn’t when a US veteran recalled his own version of events.

Flight engineer Lance Reynolds wrote: "Sorry dude, I don't remember you being on my aircraft. I do remember you walking up about an hour after we had landed to ask me what had happened."

Caught with his pants down (as opposed to his chopper), Mr Williams was forced to grovel with an on-air mea culpa.

"I made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago," he told NBC viewers. "I want to apologise. I said I was travelling in an aircraft that was hit by RPG fire. I was instead in a following aircraft."


The shame-faced journo then explained that he would be voluntarily disappearing from screens “for several days.”  

But he added: "Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us."

Time will tell whether NBC executives will let him fulfil his pledge.



NBC have since announced that Brian Williams had been suspended for six months without pay for his "inexcusable" actions.   


The fun case for an Independent North

I was fortunate to be in Leeds yesterday for the launch of the Government's "Long Term Economic Plan for Yorkshire."  

Fronted by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, what it lacked in a catchy title, it made up for in detail.  Time - and the General Election - will tell whether it can be delivered.

However, we are regularly told that it's good to think "outside the box."  And when it comes to this kind of high-minded activity, I can think of no better participant than Leeds City Council Chief Executive Tom Riordan, who was also in attendance yesterday .

Tom Riordan

Tom Riordan

Formerly boss of Yorkshire Forward, Tom is universally regarded as one the White Rose County's greatest thinkers.  But unlike some of the others, Tom also possesses an equally "sophisticated" sense of humour (i.e. he is actually funny).

So, put these elements together and what do you have?  That's right, "The Case For An Independent North by Tom Riordan - LIVE."

Click on THIS LINK and have a watch.  They're five minutes  you'll not regret giving up.

Big Mouth Strikes Again

The world’s grumpiest man is at it again.

Just days after successfully insisting that only vegetarian food is sold to devoted Belfast fans next month, ex-Smiths frontman Morrissey has now binned a gig in Iceland after the venue in Reykjavik refused to ban burgers and hotdogs.

“I love Iceland and I have waited a long time to return,” Mozza told the True to You website.  “But I shall leave the Harpa Concert Hall to their cannibalistic flesh-eating bloodlust.”


This is the same self-proclaimed bloodlust hater who, in the past, said, “I wish Prince Charles had been shot,” described the massacre of 77 innocent people in Norway as “nothing compared to what happens in McDonald's and Kentucky Fried shit every day" and spoke of his “sorrow” at the IRA’s failure to murder Margaret Thatcher in the 1984 Brighton bombing.  

This Charming Man?  Perhaps not.

Churchill: The Greatest Communicator?

It's 50 years today since Sir Winston Churchill was laid to rest.

Over the past few days - and hopefully for a few more to come - newspapers and other media have featured profiles, recollections and analysis of the life and achievements of the man almost universally acclaimed as the Greatest Briton.

I'm not going to attempt to compete with what has already been said by others.

But in the modern age of sound bytes and catchy phraseology, I thought it might be fitting to reproduce a small number of the most famous lines from speeches delivered the Second World War, his finest hour.

Compiled by the BBC Archive, no further pre-explanation is surely required:


"I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."

First speech as prime minister, House of Commons, 13 May 1940


"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!"

House of Commons, 4 June 1940, following the Dunkirk evacuation


"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour'"

House of Commons, 18 June 1940, following the collapse of France


"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"

Tribute to the Royal Air Force, House of Commons, 20 August 1940


"This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense"

29 October 1941


"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Speech in London following the victory at El Alamein in North Africa, 10 November 1942


The Greatest Communicator as well as the Greatest Briton?

It must surely be so.

The finger of ill fate

We'll be hearing a lot about photo opportunities between now and the General Election as politicians across the Kingdom seek to portray themselves in the best possible light in the quest for votes.

Yes, if hi-vis jackets and hard hats are your things, then you'll be in luck over the next three months should you choose to open a newspaper or switch on your TV in the quest for "news."

But photo opportunities can go very, very wrong.

To illustrate, whether he becomes the next British Prime Minister or not this spring, it is unlikely that Labour Leader Ed Miliband will ever truly live down his spectacular encounter with a bacon sandwich.       

Poor bloke.  Should've stuck to cheese and onion.

But earlier this week Ed's mishap was arguably matched when Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne joined David Cameron on a visit to a cider factory in Somerset.

At first glance, nothing seems amiss.  

But have a look at his other hand - or rather, finger.


It seems most improbable that Mr Miliband ever finished his bacon sandwich.  But it's almost certain that Mr Osborne had a stiff drink after seeing his little faux pas. 

In the news

It is the source of professional pride for communications firms to get others into the news, rather than themselves.  

But sometimes it's nice to self-indulge. 

Thank you to the Wharfedale Observer and the Ilkley Gazette for their support.

Yorkshire ready to get back on its bike

Excellent news for God's Own County today with the announcement of the route for the inaugural Tour de Yorkshire.

Starting in Bridlington on Friday 1 May, the three-day event will see 16 eight-rider teams visit some of Yorkshire's finest landmarks and tackle many of its toughest climbs before reaching the finish line in Roundhay Park in Leeds on the Sunday afternoon.

The new venture allows Welcome to Yorkshire and Tour de France promoter Amaury Sport Organisation to renew their hugely successful partnership of last year.  This delivered the most memorable Grand Départ in Tour de France history, gracing the streets of Leeds, Harrogate, York, Sheffield and many points in between over a July weekend which shall never be forgotten in these parts.         

And alongside the feelgood factor felt by the millions of people who lined the route, tangible benefits were reaped with organisers estimating that an additional £102 million was generated for the Yorkshire economy.

Needless to say, Welcome to Yorkshire Chief Executive "Sir" Gary Verity (pictured below with the specially-commissioned race leader's jersey) is rightly and characteristically enthused.   

“Before the Grand Départ had even finished people all across Yorkshire were asking when we can have more cycling!" said Yorkshire's unofficial First Citizen.  "The Tour de Yorkshire will bring back many of the world’s top cycling teams and there will be an opportunity for ordinary people to ride the same roads on the same day in the sportive. And this is a free event to watch so there is an opportunity for everyone in the county to be part of Tour de Yorkshire in one way or another.”

So, another hugely exciting sporting event to look forward to in what is already shaping up to be a classic sporting year. And it's happening right here.  

The banks with no interest in your savings

Another (well-deserved) slap in the mouth for the banks today, this time courtesy of independent regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).  

In a report published earlier, the FCA made clear its view that competition in the £700 billion cash savings market did not work in the best interests of consumers. 

Most notably, the regulator found that around £160 billion of funds held in easy access savings accounts earned an interest rate equal to or lower than the Bank of England base rate of 0.5% in 2013, with consumers finding it difficult to know what rate they are on, or putting off switching by the anticipated inconvenience. So much so that 80% of easy access accounts in the UK have not been switched in the last three years.

According to, Ulster Bank – part of the RBS Group – came top of the interest rate league of shame, offering their loyal customers an eye-wateringly meagre 0.01% return on their Easy Access Savings accounts.

Indefensible?  It would certainly seem that way.  But stand by for the ritual justifications from the banks in the hours and days ahead.

And whilst you wait for those, have a think about shopping around for the best rates.  

All hail to the Al

As General Election fever continues to grow (sort of) and UK politics gets even more bizarre, news reaches us of an exciting new candidate whose name will be on the ballot paper on 7 May.

You may be aware that UKIP Leader Nigel Farage has chosen South Thanet in Kent as the seat  he believes he has his best chance of becoming an MP.  

It is currently represented by a Conservative, Laura Sandys, who has chosen to stand down at the end of the current Parliament - no doubt part of Mr Farage's calculation.

But this afternoon it has emerged that he will face a very different challenge very much from right field.

Yes, believe it not Al Murray - The Pub Landlord himself - has agreed to put himself forward in South Thanet in a direct challenge to that other self-proclaimed man of the people.  

He'll be standing for the Free United Kingdom Party - or FUKP. 

You see, politics CAN be fun! 

UPDATE: You can now watch the Pub Landlord's campaign launch video by clicking HERE.   And it really is worth a look...

Leeds: A city so good, they named it 3 times

“Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!” is a familiar chant to any self-respecting football fan, particularly those living in and around the city itself. 

Lifted from the final line of Leeds United’s famous anthem “Marching on Together,” it is the wont of every member of the Elland Road faithful to stand up and sing the words proudly when the song is played before kick-off and the start of the second half at every home game.

But whilst the football club has had its “troubles” over recent years (a polite understatement), the city itself has been absolutely on the up and up.

And nowhere more so than the city centre where hugely impressive buildings have been regularly bursting out of the ground with more on the way.

Clarkson on Twitter

Clarkson on Twitter

So much so that arch-cynic himself Jeremy Clarkson (pictured) has taken to Twitter in praise of Yorkshire’s unofficial capital.

Passing through Leeds railway station yesterday, the Top Gear big gob tweeted: “What’s happened to Leeds? It looks like New York.”

That observation - shared with his 4.26 million followers - has since been retweeted more than 1,300 times.

I've never concurred with that tired old adage that "there's no such thing as bad publicity.” 

But, on balance, the Yorkshire-born writer and presenter's words must surely be a positive development for the city.  

Come on, he's not Piers Morgan.  


We are pleased to announce that VANBAR associates has been appointed to provide PR advice and boost the business profile of Ireland’s leading marine engine and boat service specialist Tony’s Marine Service (TMS), which this year is celebrating its silver anniversary.

Located in Coleraine on the North Coast of Northern Ireland, TMS was founded in 1990 by local man Tony Hodges who, over the past two and a half decades, has firmly established the business as the trusted name in the marine industry.

TMS offers repairs, servicing, diagnostics, winterisation, boat modification and upgrades, valets and storage to private boat owners and clients across the public and private sectors.   

Operating under its own Xtreme Boat Sales brand, TMS also offers a range of boats for purchase and is the sole distributor in Ireland for US-manufactured Glastron sports boats and cruisers.  

Tony Hodges, founder and proprietor of Tony's Marine Service 

Tony Hodges, founder and proprietor of Tony's Marine Service 

Proprietor Tony Hodges (pictured above) said he believed the recruitment of VANBAR associates would enable TMS to access new markets and compete effectively for new contracts across the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and beyond.  

Tony said:

“I am very proud that, 25 years after establishing the business, TMS continues to go from strength to strength with new customers coming onboard on a regular basis.

“But with the economic outlook now looking more positive than for many years, I believe it is the right time to move the business into a new gear with the clear aim of expanding our operations, both geographically and in scale.

“I’ve known Barry for a long time and when he told me that he and Vanessa were setting up VANBAR associates, it was obvious that TMS would benefit from working with them.

 "2015 promises to be a very exciting year for both companies.”   

Leeds-based VANBAR associates was set up in October 2014 by Vanessa and Barry White.  It offers the full range of communications services including media relations, marketing positioning, copy writing and event management to clients in the public, private and charitable sectors.

Barry said:

“We are very much looking forward to working with Tony and TMS, particularly in the firm’s silver anniversary year.

“It is a business with a well-earned and strongly established reputation for excellence and professionalism in everything it does.  This is evidenced by the fact that, despite the economic difficulties faced by so many companies since the financial crash of 2008, TMS continues to flourish.

VANBAR associates is thrilled to be invited to play our part in helping TMS to fulfil its ambitions of further growth and achieving greater market share. Exciting times lie ahead.”